An Introduction to Urban Agility, otherwise known as Dog Parkour!

2022-07-07T14:02:10+01:00December 18th, 2020|Dog Training, Life With Dogs|

Owning a dog is a really rewarding experience for a whole number of reasons. You’ll develop a strong bond with your dog that will last their lifetime, have company on long walks, and enjoy playing games together. But what about if you want to take it that one step further and find an activity

Puppy socialisation: what’s right and what’s wrong?

2021-01-22T09:38:30+00:00November 25th, 2020|Dog Training, Life With Dogs, Puppies|

When anyone gets a new puppy, their wish is for them to develop into a happy, friendly, well-rounded dog, right? There are so many benefits to having a lovely dog like this who’s not aggressive and is happy around everyone. The key to helping your dog to develop into this is socialisation. However, here

Why Are Some Dogs So Focused On Their Owners? Using Movement To Motivate

2020-11-18T16:39:46+00:00November 18th, 2020|Dog Training, Life With Dogs|

Using Movement To Motivate Your Dog If you own a dog of your own, or even just spend a bit of time around dogs and their owners, one thing will become clear quite quickly. Some dogs are far more well-behaved than others and, by extension, some owners seem to be a lot better at

Maximising Your Time With Your Dog in this Lovely Summer Weather

2021-03-19T15:23:03+00:00September 9th, 2019|Life With Dogs|

We want you to be able to take your dogs everywhere, experience everything , and these Summer months offer some of the absolute best opportunities you’ll ever find! From simple walking to camping, hiking, and playing in the dog park all the way up to advanced agility training, there are so many things a

Fearful Dogs- How Can We Help Them?

2021-03-19T15:56:38+00:00November 8th, 2018|Dog Behaviour Challenges, Dog Training, Life With Dogs|

Dogs are sensitive, emotional creatures. But they often perceive the world differently than we do. Fox poop and sniffing each others genitals may be delightful, while a full bin bag in front of the neighbours house post may be suspicious and the friendly postman outright dangerous. Some dogs find it hard to cope with