You have just adopted a new family member, but the clock is ticking away, bad behaviour begins to creep in but training seems impossible! You’re desperately searching for the time but it never seems to present itself to you. The pressure mounts, and you’re left asking yourself, do I have the time to take care of my dog?

A lot of people tumble across the same dilemma recurrently in regards to adopting a dog – how will I have the time to train him/her? It is a question that discourages many dog lovers. However, what if there were a solution? What if there were a way to occupy a full-time job and simultaneously train your dog? If this is an issue that affects you, then I may have some interesting answers lined up for you…

Usually owners who enquire ‘is it right to have a dog if you work full-time?’ are shamed with responses claiming that to own a dog you must have someone at home at all times – such as a housewife or househusband – otherwise it is classified as ‘animal cruelty’. However, if I may interject, I don’t believe this is strictly true. There are plenty of individuals who work 9-5, 5 days a week and still succeed in retaining a loving, devoted companion who is cared for and trained exceedingly well – you just need to learn the secrets behind maintaining the two.

First of all, selecting the perfect canine pal for you is paramount! There are several different ways of choosing the right breed to suit your day-to-day lives, such as a breed selector. A breed selector is, well it is exactly what it says on the tin. The process of selecting the perfect four-legged friend for your household, through deciphering the ideal attributes of your ideal dog – from large and quiet to small and boisterous. Although, as someone who may not have a lot of time on their side; a low-energy breed would be perfect – possibly a Greyhound or a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, just a few of many low-energy breeds.

Yet, even with the lower-energy breeds; a well-trained companion is still very much a requisite quality, right? Evidently there are options such as a dog walker, a dog sitter, or you may even ask your next-door neighbour to pop in every once in a while. However, there are professional options you can take, such as expert training and/or day care – such as Royvon Dog Hotels, we offer the option of both training, day care and much more! Just envisage, after a long hard day at work you can put your feet up, have a cup of tea, and maybe even catch up on some long awaited television time while the experts take good care of your pet pal, assuring the best care and specialist training. It is truly a win win situation!

However, if expert training is not an option that entices you, then there are several means that you can take when managing your time.

  • A dog can often be trained to become accustomed to solitude. There can be the risk of the dog becoming destructive, but if it is a habitual occurrence for them, then dogs adjust to their surroundings and the daily lives of their families.
  • As latterly stated, choosing the right breed to suit your lifestyle is as important. Ideally you want to choose on the basis of how a specific dog manages those long stretches alone. Dogs that were primitively bred to work should be avoided if possible, such as Vizslas or German Shepherds as these breeds tend to be veritably restless, which could lead to the destruction of your home.
  • Adopting an older dog may also be an option, as civilising a puppy requires a lot more attention, time and training than say an older dog. A puppy also needs to be socialised with both humans and other dogs at a young age, or they may develop serious behavioural problems when met by strangers.
  • Taking long lunch breaks can also help to keep your dog settled during the day – it is important to spend as much free time as possible with him/her.

All things considered, occupying a full time-job and having a dog is possible, you just need to plan ahead and really reflect on how your time can be rotated around him or her. It is a commitment but if it is a commitment you are willing to take on then there is no reason why you are less worthy of having a dog than someone who spends the most part of their days at home.