Mabel the German Shepherd
How to build your dog's confidence around other dogs.
Aleksandra Borawska2021-03-22T16:15:20+00:00January 14th, 2017|Dog Training Case Studies|
How to build your dog's confidence around other dogs.
Aleksandra Borawska2021-03-22T16:16:17+00:00January 14th, 2017|Dog Training Case Studies|
Peppa is a young Labrador and also a highly excitable and bouncy bundle of energy. When not asleep, Peppa is always in motion: running, chasing, jumping and inventing new ways to have fun. Peppa is a family pet needs to be able to walk politely on lead, greet without jumping up on people, stay
Aleksandra Borawska2021-03-22T16:17:55+00:00January 14th, 2017|Dog Training Case Studies|
Complete Training Programme Take a look at our Before and After video of dealing with Excessive barking, with Arnold the Miniature Dachshund. Arnold joined our 3 week Complete Training Programme for obedience training. One of the main concerns Arnold’s owners had was his excessive barking. Arnold is quite a nervous dog and would bark
Aleksandra Borawska2021-03-22T16:19:10+00:00January 14th, 2017|Dog Training Case Studies|
Here is a video of Skye the 7 months old German Shepherd. The video will reveal Skye's mom, who is describing the challenges that she had with Skye and how Skye's trainer, Nake is performing with her the new behaviours that Skye has learned during her stay here with us at Royvon. Nake said about
Aleksandra Borawska2021-03-22T16:20:29+00:00January 14th, 2017|Dog Training Case Studies|
No control around other dogs is a common problem amongst dog owners. Have a look at Cleo the 10 month old Rescue Staffy's before and after of her 3 weeks training with us here at Royvon. Her owners were not able to gain her focus around other dogs and her excitement took over which made
Aleksandra Borawska2022-07-08T12:23:07+01:00January 13th, 2017|Dog Training Case Studies|
Meet Toffee and Treacle two six month old Cocker Spaniel sisters. They have been staying with us on the Complete Training Programme. Their owners main concerns were walking to heel and wanted help with muzzle training for travelling. They are such gorgeous girls and worked hard on their training.
Aleksandra Borawska2021-03-22T16:24:05+00:00January 13th, 2017|Dog Training Case Studies|
Take a look at our Before and After video of Willow the GSD who joined us on our Behaviour Modification Programme. She came to us due to her FEAR REACTIVE Behaviour. In the video you will see Willow changing her behaviour with our help. Also the techniques that were used to deal with her issues
Aleksandra Borawska2021-03-22T15:29:11+00:00January 13th, 2017|Dog Training Case Studies|
Leo & Lexi the Akitas were here at Royvon on our three week Complete Training Programme. Their main issues were pulling on the lead and recall. The dynamic of training was different as the owner had to handle two big dogs with obedience issues. Through the help of our training we managed to get
Aleksandra Borawska2021-03-22T15:29:14+00:00January 13th, 2017|Dog Training Case Studies|
Watson joined us on the Behaviour Modification Programme. She was a Romanian street dog that was rescued and given a new home here in the U.K. Her main issue was nervous aggression towards other dogs and people. She felt very scared in the presence of people and dogs so the focus of training was to
Aleksandra Borawska2021-03-22T15:33:06+00:00January 13th, 2017|Dog Training Case Studies|
Danny the Collie Cross joined us on the Behaviour Modification Programme for showing aggression towards other dogs and people. Danny's owners who are retired found it difficult to control his aggressive behaviour and had looked for other trainers, but after coming across our website they felt our services would best suite them. During Danny's stay
Whether you need remote training online, or to attend for dog and owner based training, or you simply need to leave your dog with us for boarding, we can help.
Our process is reward based not punishment based. Whereas many dogs are obedient in a non-busy environment, when there are distractions often a dog is much harder to treat. This is why we progressively add distractions to the dogs training until they are used to obeying their owner in these conditions.
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