Darren James is the Royvon Managing Director. He was born in 1971 at Royvon’s Merthyr Tydfil site, that is now known as Royvon’s Headquarters.
Growing up, he enjoyed school and spending time with his friends. But, what truly drove him was his desire to be the best he could be in the field of Dog Training and Professional Dog Handling. This passion was both a hobby and a profession. He’s been training our guests’ dogs since he was 13 years old.
As he got older, he began specializing in behaviour modification. He excelled in solving problems that led to life-changing results for not only many pet parents, but also their dogs. They learnt how to feel confident and comfortable in the world around them, which can lead to some amazing changes. Although he loved to see each dog improve every day, his main motivation was seeing their parents witness what had been achieved in a relatively short period of time. Whilst Darren doesn’t like seeing people cry, he makes an exception when the tears are out of joy! He’d often end up with a few tears himself, knowing how different things would be from then on for their family and their beloved pets.
At the age of 25, Darren had trained many hundreds of dogs on Royvon’s Complete Training Programme. He decided that he no longer wanted to be ‘The Best Dog Trainer in the World’. Instead, he wanted to help as many pet parents as possible with the skills that he had learned. Darren was studying in night school and used the knowledge he acquired to build Royvon into a dog training business that employed professional dog trainers and opened locations across the UK.
Since then, Royvon has gone from strength to strength, bringing so much untold joy to countless dog owners and their companions across the UK!
Get in touch with us
Contact our friendly team today for more information about our dog training and boarding services at our Esher site. We offer a range of dog training programmes including puppy training and tailor training to your dog’s individual needs.