Indie the German Shepherd

2021-03-22T15:38:34+00:00January 12th, 2017|Dog Training Case Studies|

Indie the German Shepherd Dog stayed with her trainer Kahla at Royvon on a Behaviour Modification programme. She was showing significant and increasing reactivity towards other dogs following being attacked multiple times by off lead dogs. Her owner was at her wits end and just wished dearly that she could see Indie play with other dogs

Bandit the French Bulldog

2021-03-22T15:29:21+00:00December 26th, 2016|Dog Training Case Studies|

This young excitable French Bulldog is always busy scanning around with eyes peeled and ears perked up, always on the alert. He is anxious and hyper-vigilant and when anything unfamiliar comes into view, especially a dog, he would instantly freeze and within seconds a frenzied, out-of-control barking and lunging would follow. His behaviour is

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